Most crimes are committed by men, by no gangster ever had difficulty finding women to share the spoils with
Feminists often argue that women are the more moral gender because men commit more crimes than women. Yet, I have never seen a gangster, mafioso, greedy CEO, corrupted politician, or bloody dictator who would have difficulty finding women to share the spoils with. From Pablo Escobar to your local football hooligan, from Bashar al-Asad to the Sackler family.
On the contrary, gangsters are known to combine devoted wives with long-term gumars and short-term lovers. Of course, these women do not commit crimes themselves - they only profit from them without taking much risk.
If anything, the lowly drug pusher will face rejection from women only because he is too low in the criminal pecking order. Of course, most normal women would reject a criminal, but in the end, there seems to be enough women for all the male criminals in the world - and some more. Does it mean women have no moral advantage over men? But committing a murder and profiting from the money is not the same, or is it? What do you think?
For those who ask for evidence that feminists claim women are morally superior to men:
one of the major arguments of American feminists: that woman's nature is morally superior to and mysteriously different from the nature of man.