Is this overly pessimistic or accurate?

Read in a Substack by a British journalist called James Marriott (whom I always enjoy and find perceptive).

"I am increasingly convinced that the collapse of reading is one of the most profound social and cultural developments of modern times.

... we are becoming a "post-literate" society as scrolling and short form video rapidly replaces sustained reading. I know many intelligent educated adults who never read. Friends who are teachers and academics tell me that the practice of "reading for fun" is virtually dead among their students.

... many university academics no longer assign long or complex texts because their students are now unable to cope with them... they arrive on campus with a narrower vocabulary and less understanding of language than they used to have... they "shut down" when confronted with ideas they don't understand; they're less able to persist through a challenging text and some have trouble staying focused on even a sonnet ".

Does this match your experience?