Don't go gentle into that good night.

This message is for you, fellow American, and in a broader sense, for you as well fellow earthling. For those of you that are sad and worried, because today is indeed a sad and worrisome day.

We are entering an era where justice will be administered even more divisively than ever before, and will never ever be applied to those above the law, because yes, we now have those ones. And they are all in the control room.

We are entering an era where our money will have less and less value in our hands but all the value in their hands. Corporate oligarchs will run the country like... a corporation of course. Those of you that know what it means to work in Corporate, know exactly what type of ultra toxic and extremely exploitative of an environment it can be. Take that, pump it tenfold, add more poverty and more social division, and there you have it, the new Great American dream.

We are entering an era where the entire social media and news network is in the hands of the same people in the control room, therefore we will be subjected to marketing instead of information. See marketing is very mixable with propaganda: the tooth brush or tooth paste most recommended by American dentists is an example of marketing, lies, and propaganda. It saddens me, because it makes even those that always trusted most of the news (like me) to question them and the source so much more often and deeply than before, and on so many more platforms. If I do not trust what's said to me, I do not really know what is happening around me. That might take away the sense of connection with the rest of the nation, that will divide people. The more divided we are, the easier the control. Dividi et Impera in its true essence of meaning: separate and dominate.

It also saddens me realizing that, unless the 2nd Amendment is really going to be the failsafe here, the American Constitution will be made null. Pages ripped and stepped on. Ok, maybe a dramatic picture, maybe I am being too dramatic, but am I? The pages haven't been ripped yet... Do you think it's a good place where to be after 250 years? “Haven't been ripped yet... but we are almost there”?.

Do not get me wrong, America didn't get here all by itself. Yes, it surely didn't do it's best job after 1964, but America didn't get here, today, all by itself. Fuck it, call me a conspirator, however the American archenemy never ceased to work to undermine America's power, clearly not after the 90s. On top on that a new group of foreign actors bundled together to achieve the same goal: toppling the largest, richest and strongest democracy. Of course this wasn't enough. The richest megalomaniac in the world along with USA best friend's betrayal needed to align. Russia, China, (Iran and NK), needed Elon Musk and the betrayal of Israel to succeed in what history will prove the most extensive, complex, sophisticated and expensive plot to turn USA on it's belly. I'll stop here, history will prove or disprove me. But think about a united, strong, powerful, just and resolute America and think if that actually benefits any of the players mentioned above. It doesn't. What does fit the bill for those players is a weak United States, a country made by a divided population, increasingly uneducated, increasingly poor in wealth and health, isolated from its allies.

Fellow American, if you've made it this far, and if you agree with how I feel, good, then there's 2 of us. I'm not going crazy, you are not going crazy, and that is a start. Let's be prepared for when things will get worse, let's stay in touch with those that think likewise, let's live in the defeat but never live like defeated. Like professor Tomothy Snyder says in his book “On Tiranny”, chapter one:


So here we are, with the night approaching:

“Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”