Pokemon Crimson Red Development 2.1 Update

Revealing some sneak peeks of the new update of Pokemon Crimson Red. This one is quite a big update so it will take some time to make but I assure everyone that's played this hack / playing this hack is going to have a much better time playing on the newer patch (when it's out). If you don't know what Crimson Red is: Radical Red but more casual. But for more details I'd really recommend reading the Pokecommunity thread. Some of the new features of this update include:

  • New Music All Throughout the region
  • New Battle Backgrounds
  • improved Post game
  • IV/EV screen (Only works with party pokemon as of now)
  • Bug fixes
  • New Team Magma Events
  • New ARG lore
  • Full rebalance with more Pokemon Available
  • Improved docs (hopefully)
  • And So Much More

For everyone that's played / playing this hack I'm happy to inform you that I'm working on the update and docs as fast as I can If you have any requests feel free to dm me (Currently requests can't be something big)

Huge thanks to libertytwins on Pokecommunity with helping out with this project with their plugins I honestly don't know where this project would be without them.

If you want to check this hack out or read more about this then please check out the Pokecommunity thread: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/pokemon-crimson-red-2-0.533065/
