Sour Crystal v5.3 Released!
Pokémon: Sour Crystal is a hack that is full of ‘Quality of Life’ features to give the player an overall better experience. This hack’s goal it to try and improve upon most of the original game’s known flaws while retaining the overall Gen2 feeling as best as it can.
What this hack includes:
- New Custom Pokémon Sprites done by me. Over 200 have been tweaked/redone
- A Challenge Mode System which can be set during a New Game
- Postgame E4 and Gym Rematches
- A fully-functioning Safari Zone with 4 custom Biomes to explore
- Unique Party sprites
- Updated Stats up to gen9
- UpdateSourCrystal v5.3d Move properties: Base Power, Accuracy, effects, etc
- Updated Movepools
- Upgraded trainer rematch system to make grinding more enjoyable and rewarding
- A complete overhaul of the PC Box which now functions like Gen3. No more saving between boxes required
- Some post-game Pokémon are now available in Johto such as Houndour and Slugma
- Upgraded battle color system for more dynamic attack animations
- Updated attack animations for some moves
- All 251 Pokémon obtainable
- Instant Apricorn Balls
- Visible Berries and Apricorns on the overworld. Each tree respawns at 12:00am each day
- A Berry Pocket to reduce your main pocket from getting full
- A new Pager system that replaces the need for HM slaves
- Reusable TMs
- The Ghost-Type is now special and the Dark-Type and Dragon-Type are now Physical
- A new Swarm system with more than 95 different swarms. Swarming Pokémon now have an increased chance of being shiny
- Almost all bugs from gen2 have been fixed.
- Kanto has been restored to its gen1 size including some cut areas
- Kanto now has Headbutt trees
- All HGSS-exclusive routes and trainers have been ported
- Trade Evolutions can now also be obtained by using a new item called the Linking Cord or by simply using the item required for trading on the Pokémon. (King’s Rock, Metal Coat, etc.)
- A Move Reminder
- And many other small goodies to find!
This Hack DOES NOT include:
- Following Pokémon
- Physical/Special Split
- No gen3+ Pokémon
- No fakemon or beta mons
- Gen6+ Exp.All
- Fairy Type
- Abilities
- Running Shoes
Update v5.3 includes:
- A new credit screen was added to list all who have contributed to the hack
- Raikou and Entei now appear on the pokgear map when they are roaming even if they have not been seen on the Pokedex
- All Pokemon that could learn Reflect in Gen1 are now capable of learning it via the move tutor
- Updated PINK BOW to be known as SILK SCARF
- Tuscany now gives the player a TWISTEDSPOON instead of a SILK SCARF
- Mom will now buy the player a SILK SCARF when the player reaches $19000 instead of a SUPER POTION
- Picknicker Tiffany now gifts the player with POKE DOLLS instead of SILK SCARFS
- Rebalanced Ledian's base stats
- Red's rematch now has different battle music
- Rebalanced the parties of many Team Rocket Grunts
- Rebalanced movepools for various Pokemon
- Updated more Pokemon Sprites and Icons
- OW weather now loads correctly when loading a save file on the route weather is active on
- OW weather now stays on the same route until the next day when loading a save file
- The screen no longer fades out twice during the nickname screen after a safari zone battle
- Removed all references of the old swarm system from Phone contacts
- Correct many sprites using incorrect primary and secondary palettes
- Rematch teams no longer have corrupted DVs
- Beat up is now affected by stat boosts/reductions and can critically hit as intended
- Sitrus berries no longer fail to heal HP in certain scenarios
- Celebi is now green during the GS Ball event as intended
- Putting an Unown in the daycare no longer produces a corrupt sprite in the overworld
Known Issues:
- None yet
For more information, please visit the discord or use the provided link to the Documentation: