x400 dillies & jus some xanax 🤷‍♂️😂❤️ Happy nods yall been a while, love yall stay safe ❤️👷

Love y’all, been a while im BACKK baby❤️❤️ missed my supporters but i’m back to posting yall❤️❤️ PLEASE read full description for your safety & description of products shown

*** - 3x 100 APO H/8 Dilauded 8mg Unsealed x100 APO H/8 Dilauded 8mg x400 dillies - ***

*** - Xanax (Canadian made) not sure how many exactly cuz i love eating them😬 but 0.5mg - ***


always and please listen to this, i only show what i have but i personally follow these steps and keep test kits i will always include this in every post idc, its our job to ANYONE who promotes USE to also promote SAFE USE if any other people who post read this i hope you yourself also spread safe use. Thank you all Happy SAFE nods, too many loved ones lost and AMAZING people lost to losers who give out fakes to unsuspecting users such a me and you. • PROMOTE “SAFE USE” PLEASE, HAPPY NODS FAM❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️