What's everyone's experience with the PVP event over the last week?
I have built a house inside Lyonesse at the Segurant Abandon gate, walked north to the mine, set up a second plot with only a chest hidden behind a tree to quickly stash pure iron so no one kills me with a bunch on my person.
I have been doing this stockpiling ASSLOADS of pure iron (solo) and when the wipe happens it will all go in my mailbox without having to run any back to my main house in Marie.
I haven't seen a single other player for the entire week. Zero. One person built a fort ontop of the mountain overlooking the mine about 800 feet in the air and another person built a house bigger than mine right next to the mine. Both were built before I got there and I haven't heard a peep from either of them. Or anyone else. Has anyone else experienced anything "eventful" during this pvp event?