What week did you stop swaddling your baby?

I am devastated because at 8 weeks (we are now 9 weeks) I finally found the perfect swaddle sack (hello Kyte baby!) that upped my babies exhaustingly consistent 1.5-2 hour overnight stretches to a 7 hour initial stretch followed by 2 2.5 hour ones.

Our pediatrician says we should drop the swaddle by 12 weeks which is the AAP recommendation, however I’ve heard some people say I need to drop by 8/9 weeks because it inhibits motor development.

My baby is showing no signs of rolling and after the worst 6-7 weeks of repeated wakeups, I’m hard pressed to give it up until I have to…but I also don’t want to inhibit any development.

I can’t go off of what we did with our first because honestly we used some pretty unsafe sleep methods to just scrape by and we didn’t get good sleep until we sleep trained at 6 months. I’m not walking down that first time parent path again.

At what week did you stop swaddling your baby? And how did that go?