39F | Divorced | Canada
Only looking for proposal within Canada/USA
With due respect, kindly DONOT contact me if you:
- Are looking for polygamy.
- Are looking for being sponsored to Canada via the marriage route.
- Are only separated and not legally divorced.
- Are a divorcee with kids having shared custody.
- Doesn't believe in using credit cards, mortgage etc.
Profile :
Gender: Female
Age: Birth year : 1985, on documents : 1984 (due to early schooling)
Height & Weight: 5 feet 2 inches, 143 lbs
Marital Status: Divorced (Short marriage/No kids).
Education: Ph.D in CS (Canada)
Profession: Assistant Professor
Hobbies: Travelling, exploring nature, river side walks, watching documentaries/movies, listening podcasts.
Do you want kids? Yes, enshAllah
Religion: Not perfect but tries best to observe the fundamentals. I am hijabi, dress modestly, tries to pray 5 × , fasts in ramadan, pay zakat and aim for performing hajj enshAllah.
Deal breakers:
Someone who: • Lacks in morals • Emotionally and financially immature • Narcissistic or a manchild • Into drinking/smoking/any other addiction • Has misogynistic views • Doesn't view marriage as a partnership/team effort
Interesting facts about you:
Alhamdulilah, I am humble, an active listener, amiable in nature and like to engage in insightful conversations with people from diverse backgrounds. I am more traditional and kind of old school with regards to courtship process. I prefer the process to be fully respectful where both potentials maintain level of respect and dignity, observe boundaries in their talks/actions while exploring compatibility.
City: Northern Ontario, Canada.
Born and raised in Lahore,Pakistan.
Family details: Parents and elder Brother
Joint/nuclear(Optional): Spouse should have nuclear setup even if it's small.
Requirements: Male, 38 to 43 yrs.
Expectations from the partner:
(1) Religiously Inclined: Belong to Sunni sect (no nazr niyaz, visiting shrines, celebration of milads etc), observes five pillars of Islam, God fearing and a practicing muslim, some one who does not smoke/drink/vape/tatoos etc, eats halal. No one is perfect but atleast one should strive to be the better version of themselves. Not looking for a conservative, rigid muslim rather someone who balances the deen alongside with dunya.
(2) Self-made and Mature: Looking for someone who is mature to understand how to navigate through life challenges. Times can be hard and not everything always remain the same. I would like my spouse to be able to communicate well and talk about potential solutions with a calm and focused approach should any challenges are faced.
(3) Emotionally and Financially Stable: Someone emotionally and financially mature, stable and independent to make decisions and manage responsibilities that are associated with marriage. He should be financially stable to manage the household responsibilities as the family grows.
(4) Good Conversationalist and Travel Enthusiast: It is important that my future spouse is able to carry out meaningful conversation without getting into useless arguments. I believe one should be mature enough to respectfully “agree” to “disagree”. Taking care of other’s opinion (irrespective of their socio economic status), be empathetic and a good listener would be the traits that I equally value and expect my future spouse to possess.
Travel is equally important to me. Due to study/work, I have been to several places in Middle East, Europe and North America and plan to explore more. River side walk, spending time in nature, watching documentaries/series, listening podcasts, carrying out meaningful conversations with people from different age groups/walk of life is something that I equally enjoy and it would be a bonus if my future spouse has similar interests.
(5) Progressive Mindset: No one is perfect. We all learn from our life experiences. Rather than wasting time in criticizing and blaming others for one’s failure, it is important that one should have the nerves to reflect upon their experiences, be able to accept their mistakes, learn the lesson and move forward with positive mindset. I would expect my spouse to have progressive mindset and be willing to learn and unlearn according to the situation.
Timeframe in which you want to marry(Optional):
A year or less - (negotiable depending on circumstances). I would like to know the potential candidate first, understand if both are on same page in terms of all relevant aspects including (religious inclination, hobbies, likes/dislikes, living arrangements, expectations from spouse, kids and their upbringing, financial responsibilities, vacation planning etc). If seems to be compatible then get families involved early on and proceed forward. NOT looking to date/time pass and have pure and serious intention to marry.
I cannot relocate as of now (currently permanent resident and have to obtain citizenship)
Thanks for reading the profile. If you find my profile compatible, you can send a chat message and share your detailed bio/iso and linkedin profile. I would like to have an initial understanding and discussing the deal breakers first before sharing pictures.
Good Luck to everyone in their search !