Does anyone else feel like battles are super unbalanced or luck based?
Context: im someone who never touched the TCG in any way before this game came out.
I’ve been playing TCG pocket just about every day for the last month, and something I’ve noticed about battles with other players is that they tend to just spam EX cards and rely on potentially extremely powerful coin flip based attacks.
The worst sin are cards that have lots of HP, low retreat costs, high attack power, and only cost one or two energy to use their high damaging move that does 90 or more damage. It’s honestly quite infuriating and I’ve found myself just forfeiting the match immediately if I get unlucky because the game is very momentum based. Just feels like the whole match is one big coin flip sometimes. I don’t enjoy using luck reliant cards but if I build a deck without them I end up losing 75%+ of the time to a deck that does.
Sorry, thanks for listening to me rant lmao.