Letter To The Community From Mod Team - Community Poll on rule/guideline changes coming soon.

Hello everyone!

We've been receiving some feedback from the community on the type of content you'd like to see here, and not see here.

As I've stated before, we're a young subreddit still looking to adjust the rules in what the majority of you would like to see enforced. It's not always perfect I admit, and we don't hit the mark 100% of the time, but we always want to run this place as democratically as possible where you guys have your voices heard.

That being said, we had a post yesterday that numerous people reported for self-advertising based on the fact it was mentioning a single tournament. We acted in accordance to this, and removed the post initially. However, it seems the majority of people, at this time, would rather have it shown because they felt the information provided was valuable. We've since reinstated it. I want you guys to know, that it's really a tricky situation, and a fine line for us moderators to make a decision on what is considered self-advertising or not in some cases. Nobody wins in these situations. If we remove a post, we get massive hate from so & so's community. If we leave it up, we get tons of messages asking why so & so was allowed to "advertise" their tournament in a "sneaky" way, and they can't. It's just impossible to appease everyone in these situations. I think sometimes people forget what true chaos can be when NOTHING is enforced in a large community. You guys obviously don't want a BILLION posts about Misty coinflips, god packs, and so on. We remove HUNDREDS of these daily, and still see people complaining how they remain up because we haven't gotten to them yet. Most of us moderators have full time jobs, and other responsibilities. PLEASE put yourself in our shoes just to take a look at this in a different spotlight.

For instance, we have this latest development in the competitive scene where a organization that goes by PikaVerse appears to be in hot water.

The head tournament organizer there was called out by their own staff, and prize-money donor for pocketing thousands of dollars he received to pay out to the winners of their tournaments, and is trying to say he never got the money. Limitless has even made the rare decision to BAN this organizer from their platform. This type of situation is what we obviously want to avoid here. We don't want you guys to get scammed out of your time, etc. by allowing possible tournaments like this be "advertised" here in the first place. This is why moderating around 3rd Party Tournaments of the subreddit's is incredibly difficult to us.

Some of the moderators here are also moderators, or were for other major Pokemon TCG communities like: /r/pokemontcg, /r/ptcgo, /r/ptcgl, and so on. We've been blamed over the years for Tournaments like the one stated above, because we simply allowed them to be mentioned on the front page of the subreddits we moderate for.

Due to this, we created a 3rd Party Tournament Hub section on the sidebar during the first couple or so weeks of this game's soft-launch, so people still had an outlet to advertise their tournaments, and users could post after-tournament stats, and so on. We put disclaimers in there also, warning players to enter at their own risk, etc. We thought this would be useful so people could still engage in discussions around the competitive aspect of this game, and talk about tournaments.

However, as the game continues to grow, we will have to also adapt that the majority of users may shift their thoughts on what they would like to see on the main posting of this subreddit, regardless of the risk associated. We continue to want the community's majority vote on things to be the final deciding factor here on what the community wants us to take moderation actions on.

We will be creating a poll later this week on how you would like to see After-tournament stats, and so on going forward. We'll also host other polls in the very near future regarding other content.

We've made a poll regarding God Pack/Pack Pull posts, and so on, and the majority of you voted to keep those remained in the dedicated post.

We're always open to discussions, but PLEASE keep it civil. We've received numerous harassment messages/death threats via DMs, Modmail messages, and so on. This is entirely inappropriate. We're really trying our best here. The subreddit is nearing 300K members, and everyone is obviously not going to agree on every action taken.