PSA about Xfinity and PlayStation: Solved.

If you were like me, and you have had problems with your Internet and PlayStation and you have Xfinity, then I just solved your issue. I don’t really even understand it so I’ll be quick. Apparently with Internet there’s two different things: IPV4 and IPv6. PlayStation network uses IPV4 and most games use IPV6. This is why if you have my issue then you can play online games but the PlayStation store and parties and your friends list and account details might not work. This is because you have the new Xfinity modem. The new Xfinity modem only runs through IPv6. If you contact your Xfinity retail store and trade it in for the “XB6” modem. All of your problems will go away. The older generation modems support both so that is why it works. It took me ages to figure this out but I’m glad I did so I just wanted to send this out in case anyone have the same issue because when I browse the forums, there was a lot of people that just couldn’t figure it out. Hope this helps someone.

Edit 2: OK so I feel like a lot of people are just not understanding the point of this post. I’m definitely not trying to say that this is the best fix for a problem like mine. I’m sure for 90% of people buying their own router is the best fix. This is the fix I chose to do and I know it’s the fix that a lot of other people might want to do. I’m posting about it as I literally have not seen anyone else recommend doing this, except for the one other guy that I found after doing countless hours of research. I don’t care if people say that I’m stupid because I fully recognize that I am in this topic. I don’t understand Wi-Fi, which is why it took me so long to figure this out. I know we are on Reddit, but for the love of God, not everyone needs to have the perfect solution for it to still be a solution. I’m not gonna respond any more comments that are implying that I am inferior for choosing a less than ideal solution in your mind.