EET Course
A coworker and I are taking the PE exam fairly soon. We both had our own EET access but his expired the other day and he didn’t have enough time to take a simulation exam. His exam is next week so it didn’t really make sense to buy a whole month of access so I offered my log in so he could take the one I have already taken. The thing is, I was planning on taking the second simulation exam tomorrow and he was gonna take the first one during the same time. I didn’t think about it at the time, but I reread that they have a policy against sharing logins and that my access would be suspended immediately if caught. I would feel like a dick if I told my coworker he couldn’t use my log in to take a simulation exam since I want us both to pass and I already offered and sent it to him, but is there a chance if we take both exams at the same time that it’ll trigger some alert that the same account is being used by 2 different people? My exam is also next week so I would really like to not lose access this close to the finish line