The Sequel to WANTED. WANTED: ALIVE. TARGET: Julien Kreszentia. REWARD: A cache of unique tech. [Any Literacy]

(This is the Sequel to the last WANTED post)

Mission 2: Partners Forever

Good Morning, you have received your next target: Julien Kreszentia. This Mission takes you back to Treasure town. It's a bustling city on the coast of the grass continent that just went through an Economic BOOM!

Julien is an aspiring medical assistant that has found a Job in the nearby Guild. This Meowstic has an extremely unique trait. We've been observing them for days and our magic counter is going off the charts with the hair piece having the highest concentration of magic. We don't know how, we don't know why, but it seems like they are mostly composed of magic! So We've sent you to capture Julien alive and bring him to us so we can study him and find out the cause of his magical composition.

He can be found wandering the town but he always seems to head into the Museum for no apparent reason.

Our client has issued a bonus for bringing Julien in through pacifism and negotiation. Alternatively, you can knock him out and bring him in to claim an alternative bonus.

Julien is a dangerous target as he has deep connections to one of our prior targets, Der Violette Kage. He can control gravity, has psychic abilities. But the major difference between the two is that Julien isn't as willing to use his powers and that he's smaller and weaker physically.

While his origins are unknown, Our interest in this Meowstic is certain!

I Will give you time to prepare for this mission!

Julien Kreszentia