I need help

Hi everyone. I really need help. I have never been on oxycodone before in my life but i was admitted to hospital for 5 days and they gave me a lot of oxy. I had no idea that i could get physically dependant in 5 days so when i was discharged i came home and took nothing. I dont like oxycodone and really dont want to be on it. The next day i got so sick, diarrhea, anxiety, nausea, histerically crying and thought i was losing my mind. Went to my doctor who told me that the hospital had given me 60 mgs of oxy the day before i got discharged so i was probably experiencing withdrawal. He told me to get back on it and gave me a tapering plan. Day 1 and 2: 10mg morning and 10 mg at night Day 3-6 : 10 mg in the morning and 5 at night. Day 6-9: 5 in the morning 5 at night And then 3 days on 5 mg and then stop. I am heartbroken because i feel so bad, i dont want to take the pills but i am so scared of feeling like i did. Will i feel horrible the whole time i taper off? I have a child and i feel like i am failing him for being so sad and anxious but i am really trying my best. If someone could give me some positive stories or just some advice i would be so grateful. I am really scared and hopeless. I judge myself for taking the pills and tell myself i should be strong but i am so scared of the withdrawals. my mind is just all over the place. I would be so grateful for any advice. I live in iceland and i dont know anybody who has taken opiods or gotten off of them. I just want myself back and not to be scared.