Are the following upcoming DC omnis good?

Hi all. I was looking at some upcoming DC omnis and I was wondering if they are good reads. The ones I’ve been looking at are:

  1. Batman Detective Comics New 52 Omnibus vol. 1
  2. Batman by Tynion Omnibus
  3. Superman by Phillip Kennedy Johnson Omnibus vol. 1
  4. Justice League by Snyder and Tynion Omnibus
  5. Nightwing the Prince of Gotham Omnibus
  6. Nightwing Rebirth Omnibus
  7. Green Arrow Archers Quest Omnibus vol. 1
  8. Red Lanterns the New 52 Omnibus

I haven’t read any of this material and I’m planning my preorders for next year. Therefore, I would appreciate some spoiler free feedback!