Is Saitama wilfully ignorant in the webcomic? It's getting tiring reading this forced personality quirk

I don't know where it started, but it feels like Murata is lately trying hard to force this "disinterested" Saitama to keep him aloof and cool, but it's only making the character seem cheap and menial.

We all knew Saitama was lazy and disinterested in everyday goings, but when you beat the reader in the head with it over and over again this personality quirk loses it's humour and just becomes annoying. The character feels more and more paper thin with every interaction.

All his reactions are the same to nearly every event in the manga. We've seen all this before. We get it. It feels like the writers don't know how to write this character to keep him "cool" so he comes off as thin in the end.

Maybe it's just the limits of a gag manga like this. Maybe a manga like this wasn't supposed to drag on for this long