Did anyone else have strong aversions or fears tied to specific bodily functions or body parts as a child? Do you still have them?
When I (25f) was a kid, I threw up because I caught an awful case of strep. It led to me being hospitalized for a night and everything.
Hours before I threw up, I drank purple Kool aid and saw that my vomit was purple. I realized what it was and where it came from and was so disgusted and scarred that I never threw up again until high school. If I had to, I just wouldn't. I've only done thrown up maybe three or four times in my life. Someone recently shared a similar experience on reels along with other things related to their childhood OCD. Is this a common OCD fear? Because my therapist is already pretty sure I have OCD.
Other aversions I have/had: *Fear of washing certain body parts (I don't have this fear anymore. But it gave me anxiety, felt gross; could have been due to trauma as well) *Fear of sex (got this when I was much older obvs; all bodily secretions grossed me out so bad I thought I was asexual for a while there) *Specific fear of going down on another woman (I'm queer) bc I had a dream ONNEEEEE TIMMMEEE that I went down on Mater from cars and his matussy (I'm so sorry) tasted metallic. I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for a while and now every time I think of doing this with another woman I get anxious and disgusted because I can't separate it from that dream. *Couldn't get anything gross on my hands (barbecue sauce, for example, was a no no for me and I always had to have my wings plain with a seasoning rather than a sauce.) This could also be a sensory thing.