Nominoob update 4.5! Pre-production mania
Sorry for the longer time between updates, now that I’m ending mid game and starting early late game. Major progress has been slowed and don’t think showing me set up ME systems is entirely interesting.
Regardless! Have some small things to show and update
Firstly I have now got pre production of several alloy dusts I feel will be needed relatively sooner or later! Pretty easy to set up, I have interfaces with the dusts required then using limiting item filters you can set it to only accept 1 stack of each dust!
Secondly I now have a shared multi block ebf! Don’t take too long to set up other than the hss-g coils but now I can pre craft most alloys and ingots without having to wait for the ingots to smelt
And lastly is how I’ve set up item limits! Using an ME Level emitters onto item conduits, once each alloy reaches 2048 it’ll stop extracting that dust from the interface above. I don’t know if there is an easier way to do this but I found it works!
Lastly is a random slide but had to go repair a water inlet tube on a hot water boiler at a local uni! Stainless to mild steel using 309L tig wire!