Just visited Aberdeen and it was a eye opening experience for me
I just visited Aberdeen- the bridge of where kurt said to have slept when he was a teen- some of his graffiti is on the bridge.
The area…is not in great shape and there has been talk of taking down the bridge due to structural concerns. The overall area is in disarray and if it’s always been like that- I tend to say I understand his music a lot more now.
I was so young when Kurt hit big time. All I knew is he was depressed (like me) left handed (like me) and there was something about it I just “got”
I remember hearing about his death on the news- I was literally 11 or 12. I don’t know what it was about him but it’s like he spoke to my soul. Almost a kindred spirit I never met.
I have also been to the central in Seattle. They pay homage to Kurt- I just….
A few photos to share