Neighbor laughing at me (on the phone) about me planting conservation plant sale "stubs"
This is a vent because I'm so upset.
Guess I'm not looking for answers but these people who could just give a negative zero fuck about the environment are so upsetting.
This b* just ruined my day. Im pretty tough but being laughed at is hard.
She calls all the time even though we have nothing in common. Tries to convince me to go to the gym with her. (Her entire life is just caring about herself via health no hobbies no nothing).
Asks me what I'm up to today.
Say I'm trying to figure out landscaping stuff and figure out what to order at the upcoming plant sales. She says what plant sales, I explain the online conservation barefoot sales. Oh she starts this raspy giggle you mean more trees? I say yes (although its mostly native shrubs). She says why they wont be big for 100 years. Then starts laughing and "your over there planting all those stubs". Just cackling away. Not exaggerating.
At this point I realize she has probably been laughing about this for awhile. You can just tell that watching me struggle to dig and keep watered during drought these "stubs" has been the source of amusement.
At some point she says is it rude I'm laughing and I reply idk but I think it's ignorant. Why? I say planting trees is important maybe you should try it. She says no room she likes her big lawn.
I hate being out here isolated as the only person who cares. The neighbor beyond her just took out a couple semi loads of trees off their 30 acres. (The rest of us are on lots). They all spray chemicals for lawns, mosquitos, moss.
Each to his own. Fine. But laughing at me? Damn. And Ive been so nice to them.