Who has table photos?

I’ve been to other cons and my understanding is that they’ll show both a photo op price and table selfie price for any of the guests they have. And I’m aware that NYCC has guests from 7bucks a friend pop and other companies who do table selfies but that’s technically separate from them. My question is anyone who is on the official guests lists for NYCC on their site, who are smaller names then the guests of honor. Do you think they will have table selfies or do I have to get a pro photo op to meet them?

I’ve been to other cons and my understanding is that they’ll show both a photo op price and table selfie price for any of the guests they have. And I’m aware that NYCC has guests from 7bucks a friend pop and other companies who do table selfies but that’s technically separate from them. My question is anyone who is on the official guests lists for NYCC on their site, who are smaller names then the guests of honor. Do you think they will have table selfies or do I have to get a pro photo op to meet them?