I recently quit from a position at NJIT and the students I knew asked me to send an email but I was told putting it here was better

I recently quit my job at NJIT and the students I worked with asked that I send an email to the folks in the upper admin. I was told it was better to share this anonymously via reddit as directly emailing or the vector could find me in some trouble. So I hope this reaches folks who need to "hear" it.

Dear President Lim , Provost John Pelesko, Dean Marybeth Boger and David Jones, 


I accepted my position at NJIT a few years ago because I wanted to work with young people and help them in the ways that so many had championed me when I was a student. Working for and with NJIT students excited me to my very core because I knew in my heart that I would make an excellent mentor to these young people and be an advocate for them when they felt they couldn’t address things they felt were out of their control. Over the last year, my love for this job dwindled in ways that was maddening and distressing simultaneously. I started to notice how much little care for the student body (and staff) actually goes into the work the members of this administration put out for the NJIT community. I noticed myself , whilst working on initiatives, that were passed then watched individuals who did not do the work on said initiatives, take the credit. I watched students repeatedly come into my office feeling like their lives, their voices were not being heard (or cared for) and the University just reveled in that while maintaining that it cares for the students. I sat in various meetings advocating for the students and the struggles they were facing with the pedagogical approaches of many professors and how it was affecting their mental health only to be either ignored in said meetings or given an attitude and dismissed altogether. I was literally given an attitude by President Lim when I addressed the issues with rising tuition costs and issues relating to the teachers Union yet learned early this past summer that enough money exists for a 2.1 million dollar apartment and STILL, tuition costs continue to rise. 

 I listened to students ask speaker Britney Cooper last February how she can help the NJIT student body find their voice because the university makes them feel like they do not have one or have one that matters whilst department heads sat in the audience with their heads down and some with their noses in their phones. 

When the events of October 7, 2023, occurred, which immediately lead to a U.S backed genocide in Palestine, I watched as NJIT denied students the right to create affinity groups so that they may come together as a community and hold one another physically and metaphorically in a safe space. I also had students come to me and state that certain professors called them terrorists and terrorist sympathizers because they chose to wear a keffiyeh to class.  Now it is the third week in November and one week after the 2024 election where Donald Trump was named the victor. One week later and still no word from your offices and I wonder if NJIT will finally come out and tell the student body what they already know and feel ; that NJIT only cares about their money and not their feelings and well-being.

I wonder if any of you know that students spent a large part of  last Wednesday crying and consoling one another? Or that some students sat in classrooms with university professors who openly panicked in front of their students because they do not know what awaits them in 2025 and whether or not they will be deported, let alone have a job. This is a Hispanic Serving institution as well as a university where the majority of its students are Muslims who yet again have a Muslim ban to look forward to in the coming months. 

But let’s put students aside for one moment and acknowledge the staff and faculty that is predominantly Black and Latino and so, so many immigrant workers and still, silence from your offices. 

When Joel Bloom was President in 2016, he addressed the NJIT community, because he knew, despite who voted in who, that many were hurting and were scared and he did what was necessary and made sure that the community knew that he had their backs and tried his mightiest to help them see a silver lining. 

After having left NJIT I find myself being saddened at the fact that I was unfortunately right and did the right thing in leaving. I am saddened for the NJIT community for being left alone to wonder what’s next regarding their jobs, their status in the United States and so many other things. I wish you understood that the community you have claimed to deeply care about is hurting and is scared and you have just sat silently in your offices hoping things will go business as usual. There is no wonder why NJIT has one of the unhappiest student bodies in the nation. I imagine it is the little care for their mental health and well-being. 

 Really hoping you see the error in your ways and make this University the one that all students need and deserve, not the one the board deems fit.