I prayed to experience death and I believe I got it.

Hello, I am a 14y M, one day after seeing a extreme shock video I suddenly had the fear of the life after death and I talked to everyone about my fear but nobody else was as worried as I was, I believe a couple of days after the incident I prayed “Whoever is up there please let me see what is after death” and I completely forgot I prayed for this until I went to sleep and “woke up” I was stuck in a paralysis and could see my whole room. I panicked and try to yell for help but as expected nobody came, I started to look around rapidly and my word froze, it froze like if you played a game with too high of motion blur and turned the camera super quickly and it froze mid turn, one half of my room was my normal room with led lights and nothing missing and the other side was complete darkness. After around 5 seconds of staring into my frozen view everything turned black and I was trapped in my thoughts and in my own voice, I could feel myself moving around but I couldn’t see myself after around 10 seconds I woke up. Does anyone have any sort of connection with this if so please help.