Academic Supports Student Stress at NCSU
As the parent of a senior in high school considering enrolling at NCSU for next year I am following closely a number of threads where the subject of academic pressure at NCSU is being discussed. Obviously, I'm trying to discern if there is something different at NCSU than at other schools he is considering. It does seem to me that several of the other competitive schools he is considering put substantial resources into academic support centers where tutoring is available to students for free. At NCSU this tutoring seems to be limited to a very short list of classes. It seems the support services for students might well not be very robust at NCSU. Is this a differentiator for those of you familiar with NCSU and other colleges? Does NCSU fail to provide the avenues for additional additional academic support aside from the professor and TA? My son is admitted to Poole College of Management for those of you who think it's relevant to the question. Insights are appreciated.