New Modern Player looking for help
I'm new to modern and I have a Standard deck that I'm enjoying a lot lately. Its Simic Frogs. It plays very aggressive/combo-ish as I need to set up a value engine and then swing my creatures sideways in order to win.
I was wondering if I can get some help into converting this into the modern meta game, [Yes I know its not gonna be great, but i would like to at least have a fighting chance at my LGS, and I would like to have a template for a modern deck whenever this rotates out of standard]. I like this deck a lot, so some help would be greatly appreciated!
I would like to try and keep the same feeling of how it plays, very "combat/combo oriented". Also, as for budget, I would like to keep it at the Max of $600 please.
Here's the Standard list that I run currently:
Thank you!