Marriage problems. Wife makes more money than me.

So… My wife is a Dr and makes 2-3 times as much as I do. I made 150k last year, and will make closer to 175-200k this year. SHE BITCHES saying I live off of her. She even said it loudly at Costco, like I was some kinda leach who has a sugar mamma and was a loser. She was loud. I stayed clam and didn’t react. Until she wouldn’t stop. Then I told her I was about to leave the store.

I feel like any other woman would be proud to have a husband who makes the money I make. I don’t get it. So close to just divorcing her. It’s hard because my daughter calls her mom. But my wife keeps getting worse towards me. It’s been 4 years of non stop bilittling.

She pays a portion of her income towards the bills. I pay every last cent I earn to the bills. Literally every cent. I can’t even eat out for lunch at work woth the guys without her bitching at me for spending money. So I don’t.

I donno, opinions?