I can’t sleep

I don’t even know if this is the right group for this. I am losing my mind. I cannot sleep because my husband BREATHES too loud. He rarely snores, he just sounds like air breaks on a semi truck when he’s asleep. All the normal solutions to fix this are unfortunately not possible at the moment for reasons I will explain.

First of all, normally I’d sleep with ear plugs. We have a 5 month old baby whom I need to be able to hear so ear plugs are out. Baby sleeps in our bed as he does not have his own room (we do this safely, this post isn’t about the safety of cosleeping), so I can’t leave the room and sleep somewhere else as cosleeping on a couch is very unsafe. White noise does not drown out his breathing it is so loud.

Baby sleeps soundly through the night but I’m exhausted to the point of delirium because my husband breathes loud. I am perfectly aware this is insane. I have such a huge, growing resentment of my husband because he sleeps so soundly, falls asleep in seconds, can sleep all morning if he doesn’t have a reason to wake up. Meanwhile it takes me hours to fall asleep, I am up anywhere between 4 and 6 because I have to pee and cannot fall back asleep because he’s so loud. I want him to go sleep on the couch but it sounds completely crazy to say “hey I need you to leave your nice bed and bedroom to sleep on the couch because you breathe.” But I’m so tired I could cry, I just don’t have the energy to do so.