Wives; would you be hurt if your husband started to use viagra when still being young
Today I went in to take some tests. The doctor wants to see why my libido goes up and down but specially why my erections are weak.
I know there is a possibility is because I quit porn and am recovering from a porn addiction.
I know my lack of erections affects my wife. I manage to get it to work once a week when she wants sex but I feel that I need more to get it up. More foreplay. I still feel turned on and still feel I desire her. But like yesterday I was touching her sexually (with her consent) while giving her a massage. She didn’t want sex but after I had touched her and said how beautiful she was she touched my dick like trying to see if it was hard. And it wasn’t. It’s like my brain wants sex but my dick doesn’t get it.
The doctor told me that if the result doesn’t show low T he will prescribe me a small dosis of viagra. I am afraid it will make my wife feel bad that her husband who is in relatively yoj g (mid 30s) struggles to get it up.
For wives who have been through it. Does it hurt you personally that your husband needs it?