My wife wants a divorce
We have been married for 5 years
So January 23rd my wife said she wanted a divorce out of no where, everything has been fine the last couple of months no major fights. Her reason she wants a divorce is because I am always working but I am the main provider in the home an I never partake in house chores because I am always at work. We started marriage counseling but she not intending to fix the marriage but she is willing to go. Its already been a month and she hasn't filed do you think it was an open threat or she is confused what she wants? Because I started to cut my hours back and do house chores and I told her she needs to pick up some bills so I can cut my hours back (but she fails to pay them) and she complained to the therapist that I am helping around the house now. We sleep in the same bed but when we are awake she will avoid me and if stay in the same room as her she will become really hateful towards me.