Fresh Cunt 33

I was very unsettled after the surprise meeting with my former husband. It took a good while to recover my equilibrium. Even my former husband had come to see me as an object. A few days later I was moved over to the Military stable managed by the General. I started going out for the service of frontline, training and support units of the Imperial Military Force. My holes were to put to work for the cocks of horny soldiers.

I was working in the Military stable when it happened, the event that changed everything not just for me but for a lot of people. I still feel a chill when I think of it. . The shock rippled through the Empire and left men and cunts alike stunned.

Today they call it the Brockville Raid. The largest FRA military venture in its history. A large contingent of special forces from the Femdom Republic crossed the border and attacked a settlement 10 miles inside the Empire. The settlement was home to a large prison facility where high risk cunts were kept. Whispers and rumors said that the Brockville Detention Center hid horrible secrets. Experiments and operations to reduce repeat offenders to helpless pets.

The FRA raid eliminated the local Brockville Imperial Military force garrison. 65 IMF soldiers were killed in the surprise attack, including a high profile captain who was the son of the Secretary of State. The Brockville power station and airport were wrecked, as well as the main bridge over the Brock River. The main target of the raid was the Detention Center. All of the prisoners were freed, and the staff who worked there were carted off to the Femdom Republic to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Close to 500 people were killed or captured.

It was not only a humiliating defeat for the IMF, but also a public relations nightmare for the Empire. The Empire always promoted its patriarchal society as beneficial. But when the FRA exposed what was happening inside the Brockville Center it aroused a storm of backlash in the world community.

The emblem of the controversy was a cunt who had formerly been a celebrity musician and entertainer outside the Empire. She was found in the Detention Center lobotomized and modified in ways I don’t want to talk about and unable to speak or take care of herself. Her condition made many people very upset and there were calls for sanctions and even further military action against the Empire.

On the day of the attack, almost all activity in the Empire shut down. Lamar and the General kept us in our cages. There was an aura of tension as IMF units were dispatched to Brockville. There was some light skirmishing with the FRA as the invading units withdrew but casualties on both sides were light. Television reports showed images of black columns of smoke rising from the wrecked town.

As I sat in my cage listening to the reports like everyone else there was a nagging thought in my mind. Brockville. It was not the first time I heard that name in the past week.

Two days earlier I had been sent to an intelligence outfit to service the men there. I had the cock of the commanding officer in my cunt when one of his men arrived with a concern. Important papers were missing.

Both the officer and the soldier acted as if I wasn’t there. Cunts are just part of the scenery. The officer kept pounding me, and I continued to grunt and pant as I was casually raped. My wet cunt squelched and squished with every thrust. Through the haze of my arousal I caught every word.

The relevant part is that the missing papers were about Brockville. I realized as I heard the news coming in of the Raid, that someone had stolen those papers for the FRA. Troop deployments, schedules, information about the Detention Center. There was a mole somewhere feeding information to the FRA.

That was when I remembered Duncan’s meeting with Miranda. She was FRA and Duncan had given her papers. Was Duncan giving information to the FRA? Maybe it was one of his cunts who took the papers from the intelligence office and gave them to Duncan who passed them along.

It was just a hunch, and I didn’t have much to go on. Was there some way I could find out if Duncan my owner was involved in this Raid? And what did I think of the Raid? Where did my sympathies lie? With the Empire who had enslaved and dehumanized me? Or with the Femdom Republic that sought to liberate and elevate all cunts?

It was a confusing day. I wasn’t the only one lying awake a long time that night. I needed someone to talk to about this. But who would listen? I decided it had to be the General. He had fought against the FRA. He would at least listen to my suspicions. He would be willing to help me find out if there was any substance to it all. And of course, he would want to rape me while we talked. But that is just to be expected if you are a cunt.

To be continued…