2019 List

Top of 2019

Revisiting my top 10s since 2014 ahead of finalizing 2024 - 2019 was great, a lot I need to revisit since having Letterboxd, including Diamantino. Also so many yet to see. I am so ashamed I have yet to see Portrait of a Lady on Fire so that may be my watch tonight. Honorable mentions galore, but lets start with The Irishman, Dolemite is my name, Knives Out, Marriage Story and Peanut Butter Falcon.

What are your thoughts? Have been ranking my favourites since 2008 but have also lost 2009 to 2011. Hence why I now use Letterboxd.

2019 Full List https://boxd.it/ia3Vi

2018 - https://boxd.it/imntW 2017 - https://boxd.it/iByfG 2016 - https://boxd.it/iByUY 2015 - https://boxd.it/iDfN4 2014 - https://boxd.it/iE3WA 2013 - https://boxd.it/iE5yg 2012 - https://boxd.it/iE5BE

Why do you rank films if you do? What is your film ranking story/ journey?