This will be my last post. Ive sold my Niro.
Feel free to look up my last posts. I bought my Nero in February 2021. I sold it with 166,000 miles so keep that in mind for everything that I tell you. I’ll start with the positives of the car. The battery pack is exceptional even with 170,000 miles almost my charge was very close to when I first got it so the battery should be the least of your concerns. The overall experience of driving it is very fun. The acceleration is great. The turning radius is great. I really enjoyed the experience quite a bit. Now to the negatives. The room in the back for me and my kids is absolutely not acceptable. Nobody fits back there. I started getting the transmission noise at about 95,000 miles but I didn’t think anything of it. I did take it in for Service to get the transmission oil changed but about 105,000 miles. At the same time the suspension was bad and also the CV boots so I had two of the CV boots replaced in the front. Overall, it cost me about $10,000 for all the work the reason I sold the car is too fold. The replacement transmission started making the sound again. And there were several family members and friends that I couldn’t go visit because I could not get enough rain to get back with regards to the resale value of the car at 170,000 miles I sold it for $4500. It hurt my feelings because I know the batteries worth more than that, but to take it out would be too hard. Most of the places that I took it to get looked at, wouldn’t even buy it. Anyway, I ended up buying a Toyota RAV4 prime. It gets about 50 miles a day on all electric but then I can go anywhere. I wanna go after that. I average about 85 miles per gallon. Good luck to everybody. I’m sure I’ll get flamed. I’m just trying to tell you what it’s like if you drive the car hard.