Emunah / Bitachon
Hi everyone, I’ve been really trying to grow my emunah and bitachon. I’ve always been a person of strong belief in G-d, Judaism and I feel I am deeply connected to the creator but sometimes I struggle. It’s like I’m waiting for some burning bush moment like Moshe Rabeinu had and it might be foolish to expect that in this era but I just want to be close to G-d that way and feel I’m on the right derech. I’ve also been struggling with a prayer that hasn’t been answered yet so maybe that might be adding to my struggle. Does anyone else ever get this sentiment? and for those who continued to grow in Torah & mitzvots throughout your life, how did you feel/know G-d was with you? I’m trying to understand in which ways G-d reveals himself on the daily to me but I might fail to see. Sorry for the ramble, any advice is appreciated. Thank you all.