Patsy Ramsey Interview June 23, 1998 Reformatted (Complete Edition)
I've completed this fully reformatted transcript of Patsy Ramsey's interview in 1998. You can pick up a copy of John's 1998 interview while you're there.
It features:
-Original transcript line numbering
-Indentation so that the spoken words are left justified, while retaining speaker labels
-Color coding such that LE is in blue and PR's attorney / team are in red. PR is in yellow.
-Bolding of quoted passages to help them stand out from the interview text
-Names labeled in (parentheses) indicate speech which is continued from the previous page.
-Adjusted speaker name spelling which varied in the original. Only speaker labels were adjusted, not speech content.
-Formatted for printing with space for notes at the bottom, for anyone who still prefers paper.
Note: I added one clearly-marked formatting note where quotations were mismatching and unclear. I have made an attempt at interpreting this segment, but the original remains in the document for your reference.
Feedback is welcome!
Here is a preview.