Anybody else on the PDI side?
Without making a long post that’s where I’m finding myself….
All evidence relates to her.
The note, the anger, the changing clothes, the wiping down, the pineapple snack, the paintbrush and wrapped in blanket, the 911 call, the fibers found, the not at bottom her steps, with her handwriting and her love of French words Patsy in same clothes, patsy getting herself ready .
I almost wonder if Jon didn’t know until he woke up….he slowly put the pieces together while police were there. He went with it because he didn’t want to get blamed (being the man) and also feeling bad because she just had cancer.
He’s an older man with two young kids, could easily see him sleeping through the night .
Only thing that doesn’t completely point to her is the prior sexual abuse, which could be John….which could also point to her acting out and making patsy frustrated with her. Meaning Jon Benet wasn’t the submissive doll she had always been.
I just have a weird feeling John’s not as involved as patsy….