Point against BDI
ETA: Lots of people are saying the interview was mandatory due to CPS... another redditor was kind enough to find the quote from the Kolar book, and in it, Kolar specifically states that he presumes it may been because of CPS - he apparently has no evidence to support this, and furthermore, I can't find anything to indicate that CPS was able to compel a police interrogation of Burke. I think that justification is only a rumor. If anybody has some kind of source to support that CPS was involved in mandating the interview, please share!
I'm reading Perfect Murder, Perfect Town, and in it Schiller states that John and Patsy agree to allow Burke to be interviewed by the psychologist long before John or Patsy are formally interviewed by the police.
This stood out to me as honestly a very strong indicator that JR & PR were far more concerned about what they might say under questioning than what their 9 year old son would say. I just can't believe they would think that a young child would stand up better and keep the story straighter than they would if he had murdered his sister; I think they were confident he didn't know enough to seriously jeopardize them. By that point, the lawyers would've had time to grill Burke and find out all he knew, and they then deemed he was safe enough to be interviewed by the psychologist. Was it a soft interview, given it was by a psychologist and not a cop? Yes, definitely, but certainly leagues more invasive than anything John or Patsy would agree to at that point. I think if their legal team knew that Burke had killed JB, Burke would never have been allowed to be questioned by anybody, ever, if they could avoid it.