It’s time my brother

Dear Cole, my brother I never met, but a brother nonetheless. You have been stacking for a rainy day, and it’s finally raining. I hope this “letter” will reach out to you even though you may not like the message. You’ve been there for me since I first heard FNL in 2010. With your honesty, you helped me heal my wounds. There are so many geniuses that never made it to the absolute top, but you haven’t made it this far, you haven’t developed this skill set for nothing. I don’t want to reach out too much, but isn’t it our duty as humans to do as much as we can within our expertise? Rap is an artistry and you have to show a level of artistry that I know you can reach. A level never seen before. F*** Illmatic, F*** Reasoable Doubt and F*** whatever that’s out there. These two photos are proof of that, because in this moment prior to the release of MDL, you uploaded traces of this level. In this past year, Drake, Kendrick, Freddie Gibbs, Joey Badass and various other f**** have stepped in you. God didn’t only tell us to forgive, to turn the other cheek, but also to do justice. Let your next release be the judgement day. There has been enough mockery, it’s time. Let our artistry be shown in the daylight. Take what you deserve.