Games with really good real time combat

I'm turn based guy through and through but I've always wanted to find a game with actually good real time combat. My favorite games are SMTV, P5R, old FF's etc. but I've never really liked real time combat that much.

Really the only JRPGs with real time combat I've enjoyed are Xenoblade 1-3 (maybe because they're a bit slower paced? Dunno) and Tales of Arise but even Arise's combat turned kinda stale toward the end.

Games I didn't enjoy at all: any modern FF, especially FF Rebirth, the combat is more ATB but I don't want people to recommend that mess to me lol, I didn't like it. Same goes for Ys. I played though IX but I actually don't know why since I didn't like it at all, it was borderline hate almost. I played VIII for an hour and had enough. Same with older Tales of games.

Not really JRPGs but I love Soulsborne games + Sekiro, played through them all. Action combat in itself is good but I don't know why it hasn't clicked at all in JRPGs. I just started Granblue Fantasy Relink and its combat feels kinda chaotic so far.