Are there any Modern JRPGS that look like anime?

This might be a confusing question but after the gameawards i decided to look into the Metaphor game. It seems interesting in it's own right and i thought that the cutscenes look fantastic in anime form. But once you play the game the game looks like a traditional JRPG of the modern era and it got me wondering if any game exists that literally looks like an anime all the way through that isn't like DDLC type game but instead graphically looks exactly as an anime does in it's art style but is playable.

I think of how games like God of War have evolved from cut scenes to game graphics to becoming completely grame graphics in the cut scenes but when i play JRPGS like Metaphor, the cutscene looks like an anime but the game play looks like an animelike style art.

I hope that makes sense and would be curious to know if any do exist.