so recently ive been seeing that theres lot of posts with titles being ' anup daddy, mohit daddy ... and all that stuff. you guys want to criticise thats one thing and its your right but come on guys dont go on without showing some decency. think about his or other teachers mental health who might be on this sub. in our age, it sounds fun and all good but they dont like it, and its not appropriate. he has done so much help to us and if in all this fun if we forget basic human decency, then whats the point of being educated. so its my humble request to you all dank people here with so dark humor. dont use these type of picknames for teachers, would it sound right if somebody comes and changes name of you or your father? so lets make this sub more helpful and enjoyable, also a lot of suicidal posts are coming through... maybe comment there.. maybe your one comment may save somebodys life. so to mods, dont approve the posts with these type of titles , content. thats all i have to say. you dont want like the teacher, thats okay but that doesnt give you any right to disrespect them given that they never disrespected you in the first place. hopefully you are rational enough to understand what i wrote