Seven Deadly Sins as Characters

It is a simple game. Assign characters to the Seven Deadly Sins and say why. I will try my best, as they are all full of sin. My credits for this are my Catholic school and my obsession with symbolism (?).

Envy - Santiago

I thought about giving this to Claudia, but I think Claudia has been able to overcome her envy...but Santiago never did. He is trapped feeling inferior to Armand (less powerful, less beautiful, less respected by the coven), to Louis (again, beauty plays a role, and also the fact he is Lestat's fledging, but also that Armand was fascinated by him) and even to Claudia I will say, as she had proved to be talented and loved in a way he never was.

Sloth - Louis

Sloth was commonly associated with depression. Christians didn't understand depression (obviously) so they thought this incapacity for acting and moving...was laziness. Louis suffers from depressive tendencies, making him "unable" to act. He is also "trapped" in other decisions, unable to act by himself to a certain degree.

Greed - Thomas Anderson

This was a hard one to assign. I thought about giving it to Louis but, in my eyes, a sin is something that condemns you, and Louis's ambition is not a condemn to him. However, it was for Thomas. Even if he was slightly nicer to Louis than other men, he was only because he knew he was a smart businessman and it was convenient for him. He cares about money first, and this is his death sentence.

Lust - Lestat

The story starts because of Lestat's lust, he becomes obsessed with Louis's beauty. He is a seducer, someone who can charm anyone, and it is shown how he uses this in his favour multiple times, not only with Louis but also with Armand. Even his way to win Louis back is through lust, as he uses his lover to sing a song. Even more, Dante considered that lust was simply loving another person above God, which Lestat does. Finally, his massive rejection of Christianity is very reflected in his lust, as he enjoys breaking all the Christian laws in relationship to sex.

Gluttony - Daniel

This one is a more free interpretation of the sin. Gluttony is the sin that condemns humanity to a certain degree, as Adam and Eve took the fruit for the Forbidden Tree, offered by the snake to "make them like God". For me, Daniel condemned himself in the moment he asked for the Dark Gift as if it was the Forbidden Fruit. He was tortured for trying to be like a God, like a vampire. Not only that but the Tree of Forbbiden Fruit is named the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; it is his hunger for knowledge (when he is young but also as an older man) that condemns him.

Pride - Armand

Pride is considered the worst of the sins because it makes you feel superior to others, and by that, being closer to God. It is the sin associated with Lucifer, and Lucifer is a figure I associate with Armand. A fallen angel, someone who was created to be good (as he was when "he was" Arun/Amadeo) but was corrupt. Tragic, yet still dark.

Wrath - Claudia

She is the female rage. She is condemned to feel anger. Anger because she cannot change, anger because she is left out, anger because, when she finally found a new coven, they ended up betraying her. Her anger also blinds her, causing a killing spree. Even her last moments are marked by wrath, swearing vengeance on those who condemn her to die.