Alright, IWTV crew: What are your biases when it comes to how you perceive the show and its characters?
I think a lot of us TVC book readers definitely have a bias, so I'll admit mine when it comes to the show: Book Armand is hands down my favorite character, so I am often disappointed in Show Armand's more passive, indecisive nature. Hopefully, we'll see that change in S3. I want vicious, savage, psychotic Armand who does shit just because it amuses him, not Stage-5 clinger Armand weeping after Louis and Lestat. (Don't get me wrong: Assad has been an AMAZING Armand.)
I was also never a huge fan of Book Lestat (and Anne Rice's obsession with his character always annoyed me), but I did like Tom Cruise's take on the character, and Sam Reid's exquisite portrayal on the show has won me over to absolutely loving the character.
I think Jacob Anderson is one of the most beautiful men currently walking the earth, so I admit I have a tendency to love and defend Louis without hesitation (much like Lestat). Also, I just really love what Jacob and the writers have done to improve Louis' character from the books. I also grew up queer in a strict Catholic family, so I immediately related to Louis' conflicting feelings and behaviors.
I'm also one of the few fans who loved S1 better than S2, simply because I love the intimate love story of Loustat, and (more importantly) because New Orleans happens to be my favorite place on the planet. I also watched S2 Ep2 only a couple of times because I found it super depressing.
Daniel can do no wrong in my eyes because I, too, am a cynical writer/ex-reporter who is too old to have the time or patience for pretenses but not too old to be intrigued and mesmerized by two beautiful, dysfunctional vampires. Also, Daniel helped Louis leave a shitty marriage, so there's that.
Your turn! What biases to you admit to when it comes to watching the show?