I need as much help as possible, PLEASE!!
I F34 almost 35.
I am in medical menopause with Bioidentical HRT
- Med Menp July of '22.
-Bioidentical pellets from Sept of '22 to Jan. '23.
-Bioidentical HRT shots Jan. of '23 to now and continuing.
I have been trying to lose the same weight. I started 205 lbs (highest) in 2022, down to 179 lbs as of today. Still a net loss. BUT I can't lose anymore.
I decided to track my glucose and it is all over the place. Premier Protein shake spike it to 153 which is not normal. I am trying to change my diet starting today. Low- No saturated fats, a little carbs as humanly possible, basically chicken, shrimp and veggies.
Are there any other tricks that I don't know about. My body has been funky since menopause and HRT.
My AM glucose was 105 after my dinner last night was high in saturated fats.
I am looking for any and all insight. I will answer any questions.