250g roasted Arabica beans under 350?
It's very rare to see cheap and great quality hauls on this sub. While there are comprehensive lists of roasters, can we keep this open to promote good and cheap local roasted beans under 350? It could serve as a gateway for first timers. Just so they can get in to the hobby and sustain without getting shocked by the increasingly prohibitive pricing of Big Coffee. If this serves as a platform for growing the community, great!
P.s. - Op won't be recommending any so that this doesn't become a promoted post.
Edit - Just so that everyone's on the same page, please only recommend 250g A/AA/AAA roasted whole arabica beans including tax, shipping and no hidden quantity requirements under Rs. 350.
Also, if you see your recommendation already posted, please give other suggestions so the list grows and we aren't stuck with the same few roasters. Thanks.