Custom build progress!

Masons finally finished on the stone/brick today after literal months of work. It was all well worth the wait I’ll say, absolutely impeccable brick work, I’m actually a little ashamed to say the brick is going to be white washed. I tried convincing the wife to try and leave it for a while to see if it grows on her, but she’s adamant it gets painted; that and All the hardboard will be a Benjamin Moore White Dove. Stone is Eldorado rough cut casa Blanca limestone. I have to say I’m almost most excited for the sunken theater in the basement, I told the audio guy I want to feel like I’m in the movie while watching.

Inside all flush inset cabinetry finishing getting installed, trim work getting close. It’s been years of planning and all coming to fruition.

Total build time to date 10.5 months. Estimated 1 month left to finish and if we hit that target we will be about a month ahead of our original goal! While we are exhausted with decision making (I know, first world problem) we are as excited as ever to be wrapping this up! Here’s to hoping we get thanksgiving in the new house.