Awaiting Colposcopy Results

Hi all (F/26) so some background: as a teen my mom didn't opt for me to get the guardasil shot. I didn't think much of it. (ofc now I wish I was more educated at the time, and got it back then) but the past is the past. I became sexually active at 21. Went to the same GYNO as my mom. Did not like her- very abrupt, needs some bedside manner skills-- I always feel like she kinda shamed me and I couldn't talk to her and express what I wanted to for fear of shame or judgement. Anyways I had pap smears every year for like 3ish years and I SPECIFICALLY remember her saying like "you dont need to come every year at your age." So I was like cool. I wasnt with anyone for a while so I didnt think I had a reason to go, and if I could avoid her-- better. Then this year bc my parent's insurance was going to drop me, I went to get my yearly pap. Where the doc yells at me for not coming sooner (uh didnt you say not to?) So I get that done- and finally decide to get the vaccine, at least the first shot. Now I'm not proud of this but when the results came back- the doc said I had abnormal results and they wanted to schedule me for a colpo. My results said I was ASCUS positive for high risk HPV. I was freaked out- and didnt wanna acknowlege it. I was going away the next week, and then it was the next month and my insurance was gone so I didnt wanna make an appointment and be stuck with a huge bill. For 6 months I went without insurance. I finally just got it back, and decided to finally check up on this (i know i know). First I scheduled a regular pap. The results came back said "tested negative for malignancy" and that "HPV reflex criteria were not met with this specimen for results, therefore no HPV testing was performed." I was confused but was hoping that was maybe a good sign. I got the pap from a nurse- not a true OBGYN, so I scheduled an appointment the following week with a legit OBGYN. I told her everything thank god she was super nice and I didn't feel uncomfortable going over my history. She was down to do a colpo that day and I decided to so I can put this behind me (hopefully). Things went fine tbh it didnt hurt like I expected it too and she talked me through the whole process. At first she said it looked good and I was so relieved. But then she did end up taking 1 biopsy. She said it "could be midgrade or it could be nothing" and of course your brain latches on to the "nothing" part, but then as the days went on, I was like maybe she was just trying to be supportive and who knows what if it could be something. Tomorrow it will be a week. I still haven't heard anything so I've been anxious and irritable all week. Just need some good vibes sent my way and any advice/similar experiences. Also got the second round of the vaccine and will complete the next round when its time. And not planning on having any sexual partners until I understand whats going on.

TL:DR Anxious as hell awaiting colpo results