Cleared HPV 18/45 in 6 months
Hello, everyone! I was one of the many people here asking for advice on how to clear the virus. Back in May of this year, I had an abnormal Pap smear and tested positive for HPV 18/45, which absolutely devastated me. I immediately switched gynecologists because my previous one refused to test me within six months. Also, why did I know more about the supplements I should be taking than she did?
I started taking a multivitamin, a D3 complex, vitamin C, zinc, folic acid, probiotics, and EGC pills once a day. I tried AHCC pills for about a month but didn’t continue due to the cost.
I’m still in shock and disbelief that it cleared so quickly, but I wanted to share this as a hopeful post to let you know that you, too, can clear the virus.
It’s worth mentioning that during this time, I did not smoke or drink, I didn’t exercise, and my diet was just average.