Gifted but dumb?

I question my “giftedness” a lot. I was evaluated twice in my life, in my childhood and early adult life. Got 145 and then a bit lower, around 140.

I don’t question the results per se, I do have the skills that help me go well in an IQ test (which virtually measures logical thinking). Logical skills help me in other instances, such as learning to read early, learning new things etc. These require some logical reasoning. By connecting the dots, you learn and grasp concepts faster.

But in many other areas I feel below average or even plain stupid. Verbal communication is subpar, spatial intelligence sucks, I struggle at work, can’t prioritize, make dumb mistakes and overall not witty. Not to mention EQ, which is a disaster haha, but that would be another point.

Can someone be considered “gifted” (yey, you aced the IQ tests) but quite dumb in many other areas and types of intelligence? Does anyone here feel similar?

Edit: English is not my first language.