Trina just needs to go.
The character is just beyond boring, and the best the writers can do is make stories about school group projects and football.
Ive tried to care about her. But her circle of involvement is so small. Running entire episodes about her makes no sense at all. She's an ear for Jos. She works with Ava. Her mom works at the hospital. Thats about it.
I feel like the actress would really do well, if they gave her something to do. But I just cant do school-troubles-with-Trina-and-Kai. Before you want me to care about a budding relationship, you need to help me care about the individual characters. She was mismatched with Spencer (that kid could act circles around many he was around), and now this.
Im sure Ill get booed. But really. Is anyone on the edge of their seat over Trina?